Gothic Mysteries Lenormand 


Soon on Kickstarter


Do not miss the chance to get the exclusive Gothic Mysteries Lenormand. Make sure to leave your email to get special early bird prices for first when the campaign will be finally live on Kickstarter.

Now, you have the chance to get your hands on this future masterpiece:

Gothic Mysteries Lenormand | Oracle Deck


Gothic Mysteries Lenormand Standard edition

Gothic Mysteries Lenormand Limited edition

890 numbered copies

Gothic Mysteries Lenormand Extra Limited edition

333 numbered copies

Get 40% off

Gothic Mysteries Lenormand | Oracle Deck


Make sure to leave your email to get special early bird prices for first when the campaign will be finally live on kickstarter

Gothic Mysteries Lenormand

a wonderful Oracle 

This deck will be sold in three different versions:

  1. the basic version
  2. the limited edition version of only 890 pieces.
  3. an extra limited version of only 333 pieces.

Let’s see what the differences are.

All versions will be made to perfection. Both the paper and its containment box will be very sturdy as well as beautiful to look at and precious to collect.

The basic version will have the box, the instruction booklet and a black bag.

The limited edition version of 890 copies, will have a different box, which is still being studied.  In addition, the cards will have golden edges and the bag will also be golden. It will be provided with a certificate of authenticity that will show the number of the limited edition.

The extra version, will be in a limited edition of only 333 copies, will have a handmade and painted wooden box, the instruction booklet, an extra limited and numbered edition card of only 1,000 copies, the golden bag and a lucky charm. It will be supplied with a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity.

You can also purchase a limited edition, numbered dry-stamped art print (8.3″ x 11.7″) from Silver Cat Editions.

Make sure to leave your email to get special early bird prices for first when the campaign will be finally live on Kickstarter

Hello and welcome to the site of the Gothic Mysteries Lenormand.

My name is Denise and I am a lover and collector of Tarot and Oracles.

Today I want to introduce you to my project for Kickstarter.

After knowing the works of Vera Petruk, a great artist known all over the world, I decided to buy the commercial rights and publish her beautiful decks.

The first deck I created was the Samiramay Tarot, achieving great success worldwide.

Then it was the turn of the Fantasy World Tarot, also a great tarot deck.

The last deck I’m making, I decided to launch worldwide using Kickstarter.

It is the Gothic Mysteries Lenormand, a wonderful oracle.

I decided that the first buyers will receive a free gift and a 40% discount for the Early Bird.

If you, like me, are a lover of Tarot and Oracles, you must have this beautiful deck.

Get 40% off

Gothic Mysteries Lenormand | Oracle Deck


Make sure to leave your email to get special early bird prices for first when the campaign will be finally live on kickstarter